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ScriptPro Remote Pharmacist Verification OLD

ScriptPro for Sterile Room Med Preparation  - IV Admixture Compounding Automation ScriptPro for Sterile Room Med Preparation  - IV Admixture Compounding Automation ScriptPro for Sterile Room Med Preparation  - IV Admixture Compounding Automation ScriptPro for Sterile Room Med Preparation  - IV Admixture Compounding Automation

Telepharmacy for Sterile Room Med Preparation

ScriptPro’s Technology to improve safety in one of the highest risk practices in hospital pharmacies in several ways. Positive matching to the patient's medication order decreases the risk of using the wrong drug. The pharmacists’ review digital images of the critical process steps, including the volume of medication injected into the IV bag.

  1. A technician scans the barcode on the chemotherapy drug vial. A computer match to the patient record ensures that the correct formulation has been selected.
  2. In the preparation room, the technician captures an electronic image of the vial label and the filled syringe just prior to injecting the medication into the patient's IV bag.
  3. Before completing the preparation, the technician presses a button on the ScriptPro Telepharmacy screen to request pharmacist verification.
  4. A clinical pharmacist, working outside the preparation room, reviews the images of the drug vial, the pullback on the syringe containing the medication, the IV bag, and the patient's medication order. Confirmation of the review steps and related images are archived as part of the electronic record and are available for future reference.
  5. There is no need for either party to go through the procedures of entering or exiting the isolation room.

"We wanted to minimize assumptions when verifying chemotherapy medications. We selected Telepharmacy, and our program is providing the assurances we want.”

— Brian O’Neal, MS, PharmD, Assistant Director of Pharmacy
University of Kansas Hospital, Department of Pharmacy

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