Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers


Cameron and Company Telepharmacy Cameron and Company QR Code


The Next Wave of Healthcare Technology

Bringing qualified, experienced pharmacists to your patients and customers doesn't have to be a time- and labor-intensive process. Cameron & Company, Inc.® is pleased to announce TeleCameron®, their telepharmacy service.

A virtual pharmacist solution, TeleCameron®, offers an online connection to a qualified pharmacist, whenever you need one. Via a secured network, your virtual pharmacist will connect directly with your team to review, accept and fill prescriptions. At any time, a nurse or nationally certified pharmacy technician can connect to the virtual pharmacist.

More than 4,000 hospitals are lacking 24-hour pharmacist coverage. With TeleCameron®, all hospitals can have full coverage, 24/7. Cameron and Company, Inc.® will provide you with a clinical pharmacist who, due to travel or other restrictions, cannot work at your location - but can provide the expertise and service you need!

Our Mission

At TeleCameron® our mission is to enable healthcare facilities to improve patient care. We do this by providing on-site pharmacists and/or virtual pharmacists that allow hospitals to deliver pharmacy services, 24/7/365.

There are more than 4,000 hospitals in the USA that do not have 24/7 pharmacy services in their pharmacy departments. By augmenting existing pharmacy staff, we help to ensure patient well-being and safe delivery of medication, all day, every day.

And in the process, we create jobs for pharmacists!

Expanding Your Pharmacy Capabilities

In today's economy, increasing productivity and decreasing cost are constant demands. But in a healthcare role, how can you decrease costs while maintaining patient care?

Take the Next Step
To learn more about how TeleCameron® can impact your pharmacy,
click on the link below to visit our website today.

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