Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers

Synergy Medical

Synergy Medical

For almost 10 years, Synergy Medical has been providing proven and reliable technology for blister card automation, and we consistently meet and exceed our customer’s expectations for performance and support.

SynMed is an automated dispensing system for solid oral medications in blister packs; an automated alternative to vials and pouches, that features more than 400 dispensing containers, barcode verification processes and user-friendly software. SynMed is a way to reduce costs, achieve high levels of dispensing accuracy, and a safe way to grow your business.

Efficiency & Cost Savings

SynMed’s 400 containers contain 98% of the medications a pharmacy would dispense in blister packs, so this is a highly automated process.

SynMed will pick and dispense 55 doses per minute; one technician can easily produce 1,000+ multi-dose blister packs over their regular weekly schedule.

Technician time compared to manual production will be reduced by a factor of 5, and Pharmacist verification time will at least be reduced in half, due to the system accuracy, and proprietary verification markers on the label.


SynMed is versatile and can adapt and interchange between both single and multi-dose blister packs. SynMed is compatible with over 30 (and growing) blister packs so will easily adapt to each unique environment; that means pharmacies can automate with the blister card their patients are used to receiving.

Safely Grow Your Business

SynMed is both a Medication Synchronization and Medication Adherence strategy to drive 5 star ratings, achieve high rates of reimbursement, and attract new patients.

Further, the unique SynMed generated compliance label features both patient pictures and medication images; this enables pharmacies to market this output to Community Patients, Assisted Living, Retirement Homes, and LTC facilities, all of whom highly value these label features.

In summary, SynMed’s flexibility with single and multi-dose card formats, 400+ containers, high production rate, and unique compliance label with patient picture and drug images, are all unique differentiators vs. other blister automation technologies.

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