Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers

Guaranteed Returns GRx

We’ve got your back. And forth.

You’ve got more important challenges than trying to decipher the complexities of pharmaceutical reverse distribution.

That’s why GRx pioneered the reverse distribution industry more than
35 years ago. And today, we continue to lead the way. With the highest levels of intelligence, compliance protocols and depth of transparency, our team of pharmaceutical returns experts continue to transform the industry into a powerful business intelligence and investment recovery engine.

  • Competitive rates for the processing and disposal of expired or unsaleable products
  • Complete detailed inventory of all products sent to GRx for processing
  • Comprehensive return reporting that provides compliance, accountability, and a wealth of business intelligence
  • Clear and concise reconciliation of your credit recovery for each return cycle, including a breakdown of all fees charged.
  • And much more!

Better. Smarter. Easier.

Accuracy, transparency, depth of reporting and real-time data all comprise the backbone of our proprietary software system. With easy navigation and access to anything and everything within seconds, you’ll have the data you need to assess performance, target inventory practice vulnerabilities, and identify opportunities to mitigate potential losses.

GRx recruits and advances the most experienced representatives nationwide.
From the receiving bay and processing floor to the CEO’s desk and every position in between, all members of the team are dedicated to 100% satisfaction in every aspect of the returns experience

Connect with GRx today.

Customer Service | | 1.800.473.2138
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