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Secure a Drug

Secure a Drug

Secure a Drug: The Secure Choice for Drug Deactivation and Disposal

Meet Secure a Drug, the solution you need to ensure proper controlled substance disposal and prevent drug diversion in healthcare settings.

What is Secure a Drug and How Does it Work?

Driven by a responsibility to keep patients and fellow clinicians safe, Secure a Drug is the ultimate secure solution for controlled substance disposal in healthcare environments. In just three simple steps, Secure a Drug’s proprietary charcoal formula deactivates and neutralizes solid and liquid medications, removing any threats associated with improper disposal or misuse.

  • Step 1: Fill Secure a Drug with warm water
  • Step 2: Dispose of medications and gently shake the closed container
  • Step 3: When contents reach the fill line, close and lock for permanent disposal
When to Use Secure a Drug?

Secure a Drug should be used to meet non-retrievable drug standards for any expired or unwanted pharmaceuticals. When used in pharmaceutical settings, Secure a Drug offers a simple solution for drug denaturing that ensures both compliance with all federal regulations and the safety of your patients and staff.

Empowering Clinicians

While regulatory compliance is a critical benefit of Secure a Drug, at its core it is designed to promote human wellbeing through the elimination of the risk of drug diversion and opioid abuse. Give healthcare professionals simple tools, and they will make a lasting impact. Secure a Drug empowers clinicians to combat, and ultimately end the opioid epidemic at its source through efficient and safe disposal of controlled pharmaceutical substances.

What Our Customers Are Saying

“Our facility uses Secure a Drug in every department, and it is ideal for quick and efficient disposal of controlled substances. The containers are easy to handle, and they look great on our walls. Knowing that our controlled substances are being properly secured for disposal is a major relief.” – Catherine White, Pharmacy Director

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