Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers


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Safe, Secure, Regulatory Compliant

ScriptCenter® Automated Pharmacy Pickup Solutions provide convenient and secure access to prescriptions and OTC medications that are filled, loaded, and counseled by your pharmacy. All systems come standard with fingerprint scanning technology, privacy-enhancing industrial design, and camera and signature-capture devices. Using ScriptCenter solutions, the pharmacy staff maintains the control of filling and checking prescriptions, while the kiosk or locker systems take care of tasks associated with payment and pickup.

ScriptCenter Systems can be configured to communicate with major outpatient pharmacy systems as well as a variety of ancillary systems, such as signature capture repositories, integrated voice recognition (IVR) engines, and a complex spectrum of payment options including card-based payment, prepayment, and employee payroll deduction.

Our solutions use sophisticated barcode scanning technology to ensure the correct prescriptions are delivered to the correct patient every time. All prescriptions are filled and verified by your licensed pharmacist and then secured in a barcoded container or locker label package using the ScriptLink functionality within ScriptCenter’s browser-based user interface, AsteresCentral®. ScriptCenter is monitored in real-time for 100% accurate tracking and reporting from filling to pickup.

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